Pulitzer Prize Winning Playwright: Edward Albee

    A great article written by Selby Frame, about the Pulitzer Prize winning playwright Edward Albee with photographs by yours truly:

    I photographed him in what is literally called a “Black Box” experimental theater.  To say that the lighting was difficult or absent (aside from two spot lights) might be the understatement of the year.  Even in those conditions, I still refused to use a flash because of how disruptive it is to the genuine connections he was making with the students.  The value of being unobtrusive and preserving the integrity of the moment cannot be understated…

    To see the complete article (with lots of photos), go to Bowdoin College’s website here.

    To see the complete article (with lots of photos), go to Bowdoin College’s website here.

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  • October 9, 2008 - 11:42 am

    estelle - WOnderful work and such a great range of subjects you cover! I am living vicariously through your photography.ReplyCancel

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